Competitons / Festivals / What's on in Korea

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition

map__map_of_south-koreaInformation is just up about the 7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition (제주국제관악제, 濟州國際管樂祭). A brass and percussion competition in Jeju-do? Well yes. It will be on from Aug. 8th  (Fri) through 16th (Sat), 2014 in Jeju-do, the sunny (and windy) subtropical island south of the Korean peninsula. Applications are due on May 31st.

jeju fest 3Despite the term ‘global’ and sometimes ‘international’ obsessively tagged onto any sort of cultural promotion in South Korea in recent years—often without much validity—this festival does seem to be international. Not all the competitors have been Korean. Quite a few  have come from neighbouring countries and even some from Europe. Most winners have been from abroad. With time, this competition should attract even more international attention.

본 경연은 제주특별자치도와 제주국제관악제조직위원회가 주최하는 “제주국제관악제의 핵심사업 중의 하나로 세계 여러 나라의 재능 있는 젊은 관악인들을 발굴, 육성하고 우정을 나누는 기회를 제공하기 위해 마련했다. 제주국제관악제는 관악합주, 전문앙상블 공연, 경연이 함께하여 보다 완성된 관악축제를 이루려한다”

The competition happens alongside the The Jeju International Wind Ensemble Festival (JIWEF) with concerts, workshops and so on.  The venues are Jeju Seaside Arts Center, Jeju Arts Center, and Seogwipo Cheonjiyeon Falls Outdoor Stage.jeju-do Korea Classical Music Festival

Competition divisions for this year are: Bass Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, and Percussion. Competition is open to musicians from all nationalities born after January 1, 1983. Application form, contact, and other important information is available here and here.  Full 2014 website is finally up here.

Prizes for the Soloist Section are:
1st Prize: US$ 7,000
The 2nd Prize: US$ 5,000
The 3rd Prize: US$ 4,000

Competition pieces are also up on the festival site. Here are those for Tuba:
▶ First Round
– Edward Gregson Concerto, mov’t 1
Select one
– Jan Koetsier: Sonatina mov’t 1
– Thomas Stevens : Variations in Olden Style , theme and variations 1&2
▶Second Round
Anthony Plog: Three Miniatures
Select one
-Niklas Sivelöv: Sonatajeju fest 1
-Alexander Arutiunian: Concerto for Tuba
▶Final Round
-Arild Plau: Concerto for Tuba and Strings

Past winners include:
Josep Burguera Riera, Spain (euphonium)
Misa Akahoshi, Japan (euphonium)
Adam Frey, USA (euphonium)
Bastien Baumet, France (euphonium)
Benjamin Pierce, USA (tuba)
Takahiro Kim, Japan (tuba)
Kim Tae-hun (김태훈), Rep. of Korea (bass trombone)
Hiroyuki Kurogane, Japan (bass trombone)
Matyas Istvan Veer, Hungary (bass trombone)
Paratore Vincenzo, Italy (tenor trombone)
Gu Cong, China (horn)
Kaname Hamaji, Japan (horn)
Robert Kozanek, Czech Republic (trombone)
Axiom Brass Quintet, USA

How do you think this year’s festival and competition will go? Who  might compete?

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