Korean composers / Past concerts

Celebrate Buddha’s Birthday with music of composer Pak Beom-hun

There is an interesting little, and somewhat hidden, concert happening soon. It will celebrate Buddha’s birthday, and offers a chance to enjoy new music from one of Korea’s  composers who aren’t well known abroad.  I think it is a just-show-up-and-see-what-happens sort of concert.  >>>
Chung-Ang University professor emeritus and Buddhist music composer Pak Beom-hun (박범훈) will hold a concert next week, April 16th at 4pm. Pak is a composer of Buddhist music who has been active for 30 years as a composer of new Korean music. He writes for both Korean and Western instruments, and for voice, as well.
Professor Pak says this concert is a celebration of the Buddha’s birthday, but he hopes the hymns he has composed for the concert will be enjoyed in everyday life as well, not just at a Buddhist hall. The concert’s title could be translated as “Hymns of Many Voices” where one can celebrate the sounds of many voices through Buddhist music. It will be at the madang-shaped (traditional round shape) performance space KB Haneul Youth Theater at the National Theater of Korea.


All proceeds from the show will be donated. Ven. Jaseung (자승스님), head of the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism, is heading up a project to construct a school in Tanzania, and ticket, book and CD sale proceeds will go toward this. The concert will also promote the release of a book that brings together some 34 scores (arranged for piano) of music Pak has written over the last 30 years, as well as two CDs.

20140402002730_0A delegate from the Buddhist Forum Kim Dong-geon says, “This concert and celebration is expected to be an important stepping stone in the popularization of Buddhist music ” and hopes the public takes note.

Info: 02-2011-1920

박범훈 교수 ‘뭇소리 찬불가’ 봉축 연주회
4월16일 국립극장…수익금 전액 탄자니아 학교건립 기금기부  bulgyofocus.net

Some links to videos of Pak Beom-hun’s music:

박범훈의소리연1_가야금 협주곡 ‘경드름’
피리산조 Piri Sanjo

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