Competitons / music education / News / What's on in Korea

Kyungsung International Piano Academy: Masterclass and Competition in Busan

If you spend too much time in the capital region here (Seoul plus Gyeonggi satellite cities), you start to believe nothing happens in Korea outside this bubble. Wrong!     (:      More proof: Information is just up about a piano masterclass and competition in Busan. The artistic director is Russian pianist Alexey Lebedev who … Continue reading

First public music library opens in Korea
Korean Concert venues / music education / News / What's on in Korea

First public music library opens in Korea

The first public music library in the Republic of Korea has opened this week in Paju, a city just north of Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do. It is part of the brand new Solgaram Art Hall (솔가람아트홀) that includes a performance hall dedicated exclusively to classical music performances, especially recitals and chamber music. The Garam Music Library (가람음악도서관) is substantial, with an … Continue reading

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition
Competitons / Festivals / What's on in Korea

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition

Information is just up about the 7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition (제주국제관악제, 濟州國際管樂祭). A brass and percussion competition in Jeju-do? Well yes. It will be on from Aug. 8th  (Fri) through 16th (Sat), 2014 in Jeju-do, the sunny (and windy) subtropical island south of the Korean peninsula. Applications are due on May 31st. … Continue reading