
Schedule for Semi-final Round (Seoul piano competition)

Some competitors’ links plus schedule (semi-final):  Yevgeny Yontov (Israel) Nitahara Yu 仁田原 祐 (Japan) Some competitors’ links plus schedule (second round): Sara Daneshpour (USA) Tiffany Poon 潘活活 (China) Naomi Kudo (USA/Japan) Mario Häring (Germany) Chen Yi-Yang (Taiwan) Charles Richard-Hamelin (Canada) Han Chi-ho 한지호 (Korea) Zhou Ning (China) Won Jaeyeon 원재연 (Korea) – more info Continue reading

Competitons / Korean composers / News

Kim Eunsung wins the Mendelssohn composers competition

Young composer Kim Eunsung won the Mendelssohn composers competition back in December. His winning piece is called “mobile Elemente” and is for piano trio. This hasn’t gotten (almost) any coverage in English (or Korean it seems!), so I thought I would mention it. Originally from Pohang, a city in the south-east of Korea, Kim studied … Continue reading

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition
Competitons / Festivals / What's on in Korea

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition

Information is just up about the 7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition (제주국제관악제, 濟州國際管樂祭). A brass and percussion competition in Jeju-do? Well yes. It will be on from Aug. 8th  (Fri) through 16th (Sat), 2014 in Jeju-do, the sunny (and windy) subtropical island south of the Korean peninsula. Applications are due on May 31st. … Continue reading