Bang on a Can All-Stars – Tongyeong International Music Festival – 2014 – Bang on a Can
Festivals / News / Past concerts

Bang on a Can All-Stars – Tongyeong International Music Festival – 2014 – Bang on a Can

New York City’s Bang on a Can All-Stars return to Asia for a six-concert tour & residency. The residency and two concerts will be held in Tongyeong, as part of this year’s new music festival there –March 28th to April 3rd.  I’ll write more about that soon (after I get sick of watching the Olympics … Continue reading

Gugak’s quality first: new head of Gugak Center announces her vision
Cultural policy / News

Gugak’s quality first: new head of Gugak Center announces her vision

Gayageum player Kim Hae-sook is the new head of South Korea’s national traditional music centre. The musician is the first woman to lead the National Gugak Center since its inception in 1951. She will hold the post for two years. In a recent press conference, Kim Hae-sook talked about her priority of producing quality music … Continue reading

Lim Dong Hyek and Park Juwon in Jeonju
Korean Concert venues / Past concerts

Lim Dong Hyek and Park Juwon in Jeonju

In February, two talented young soloists are giving concerts in Jeonju, at the Sori Arts Center of Jeollabuk-do. First, pretty-boy virtuoso pianist Lim Dong Hyek (임동혁) is performing a recital on February 11th (Tuesday). The program will include: Debussy’s “Claire de Lune” from Suite Bergamasque; Bach’s Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C Major, BWV 564; … Continue reading

Opportunities for composers

2014 Incheon Art Platform Incubating Project ”Platform inQ“ Call for Applications

An arts organization in Incheon (a city west of Seoul), Incheon Art Platform, has announced its arts incubation project for 2014. Successful candidates will participate in the project for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8 weeks, between March through November 2014. Applications may be submitted starting Jan. 27th 2014 until Feb. 9th. … Continue reading

Kids can compose: Very Young Composers project in Iksan, Gimhae, etc
music education / News

Kids can compose: Very Young Composers project in Iksan, Gimhae, etc

This is so cool!  I wish I were eight again.  Read about this program to get kids composing:     ““Very Young Composers” is …” “여러 나라를 다니면서 아이들의 개성은 모두 다르다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 심지어 자신이 좋아하는 음표나 화음까지 달랐습니다. 아이들의 독특한 개성은 상상력과 창의력의 중요한 바탕이 되는데, 내적인 생각을 외적으로 표출하고 나타냄으로써 그것을 더욱 … Continue reading

The House Concert: Chamber music in Seoul
Korean Concert series / Korean Concert venues / Past concerts

The House Concert: Chamber music in Seoul

Despite the location–uberwealthy Dogok-dong, an area of Gangnam-gu in Seoul–Park Chang-soo’s The House Concerts (하우스콘서트) are inexpensive, simple and welcoming. Almost every week for the past ten years Park, a pianist himself, has hosted chamber music concerts (house concert, get it?) covering a variety of genres—traditional Korean music (국악, etc), Jazz, classical music, experimental, and … Continue reading

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition
Competitons / Festivals / What's on in Korea

7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition

Information is just up about the 7th Jeju International Brass & Percussion Competition (제주국제관악제, 濟州國際管樂祭). A brass and percussion competition in Jeju-do? Well yes. It will be on from Aug. 8th  (Fri) through 16th (Sat), 2014 in Jeju-do, the sunny (and windy) subtropical island south of the Korean peninsula. Applications are due on May 31st. … Continue reading